How it all started

-----”I started this initiative in 2017 looking for personal growth that would also have community impact. As far back as elementary school, I can remember noticing things others may have missed and being in tune with others feelings.  After I had my son, I lost touch with some of this because I was hyper-focused on him and not able to let all of the extraneous in.  As he got older, I was able to get back to me a bit more, reconnecting to the part of me that was aware and engaged.  I needed to cultivate my lost skills.  For me it started with mindfulness and then performing acts of kindness.  I soon realized that there was a step we all need to practice, cultivate, and master to really want to perform acts of kindness for others.  We need to get back to being a caring culture. To care for someone or something we need to be compassionate, aware, be respectful, have integrity, be nurturing and giving.  Focusing on these character traits has made a tremendous difference in my life and I hope in the lives of others around me.  I would be honored to have you join me on this journey and look forward to hearing how it brings about positive changes in your life as well.”------Michelle- (February, 2020)------


 We are all familiar with the kindness movement but there is a step before we practice kindness.  First we must cultivate caring.  In order to want to perform acts of kindness, we must first "care".  Care for ourselves, care about our family and friends, care about our neighborhood and our world.  Care about something.  

The Oxford English dictionary defines caring as "displaying kindness and concern for others". It also defines cultivate as "try to improve or develop (one's mind)".

How can we create more caring.  Let's start by keeping this acronym in mind.  








Cultivate Caring's goal is to help create a culture of caring.  Caring about yourself, caring about others, caring about the world. 

Are you ready to start the journey?  

To care about something you must first see it with open eyes.
— Cultivate Caring

All photography provided by MES Studio unless otherwise noted.

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